The atmosphere and temperament in higher education are changing fast. Some of the issues that have direct impact on this new changing scenario are rising student debt, falling graduation rates, close competition for jobs among bachelor’s degree holders etc. After the major changes emerged as a result of two congressional decisions namely Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes-Oxley, changes in organizational structure and management policies are issues that concern the investors of education sector a lot. All of them who are involved in higher education like the shareholders, tax payers, students or teachers are experiencing economic pressure. With the problematic increase of course fees the future of universities and colleges better have some modifications in expectations of faculty, administrative actions and trustee selection.
Universities with corporate stance needs some reviews
The current scenario of the corporate stance that the universities are following needs trustees, acting as corporate board members, grow responsive to the flow of changes in higher education so that they can understand and take proper steps accordingly to the new challenges. So, most important step towards a satisfactory end is a proper selection of trustee to get the expectations everyone related to higher education reflected and fulfilled. Thus, selection of administrative bodies should be in accordance with the strategic expectations best matched with the rising challenges.
More transparency is required
For a concrete solution to the new economic challenges a considerable reduction in debts bourn by students and a competitive salary structure for teaching faculty would be more justifiable in use of funds. It would be more ethical that providers of private funds be informed about the proposed use of those funds. The design of strategic use of funds effectively is very important for increase in funds and academic improvement. More and more transparency regarding donors, students and taxpayers are necessary to consider for making harmonious steps towards the newly posed crisis.
Structural re-modifications
Duration of faculty tenure is another factor that should be discussed thoroughly. For ages, this factor has been untouched for being a taken-for-granted as a matter already customized by society. But, in today’s critical stage where every penny counts, tenure of faculty members should only be on their performance basis. Competitive atmosphere always yields the best results. So, a sense of permanent seat of affluent enjoyment that faculty members have been enjoying for a long time should be replaced with a performance –to- job tenure equation for a steady improvement in qualitative analysis of education.
Marketing strategies
Sports and athletics are areas that are undergoing significant changes as the major source of marketing image for many schools. In the time of computers and high definition broadcasting, the physical presence of viewers has reduced to a great degree, yet there are still some. But, the question that remains is how this marketing tool can prove to be a substantial solution to the new challenging issues higher education sector is getting wrapped with.
The only solution to the growing challenges of higher education is all round flexibility. Be it in monitory factor, or accessibility or applicability: higher education should adopt the flexible designs to meet the fresh demands of the emerging era.