Along with that, the massive popularity of MOOCs is emerging as the new hope for those who aspire to earn an MBA degree without sacrificing the comfort of home. With such rapid transformation, many MBA providers who have been running their course programmes with considerable success until now may have to redesign their on-campus mode in favour of the cost-reduced or free programmes.
On-Campus Representatives Feel Threats
Professors and deans of many business schools have appeared threatened, David Simmons, executive director of the full-time MBA at Cranfield University said, “They may be watching the same lectures, but it’s not the same experience. What they don’t get is the interaction, the conversations. They don’t get the networks in the same way.”
Cost comparison
The reason is quite clear. Whilst the fees structure of reputed business schools revolves around $56,175 and £61,400 in the US and the UK, a three-year online MBA from a prestigious UK-based business school is offered only for £ 19000. The threat is clearly on the huge revenue these business schools have been enjoying for long. They see the online learning mode as the immediate curtail on their profuse flow of monitory profit.
Many reputed Institutions Plan for Online courses
But, to the contrary of such negative view towards online learning and MOOCs, many top-rated universities are up to designing their online curriculum. The popularity of online learning has not failed to leave their impression of such education providers. They have recognised the flexibilities people can enjoy with online mode of learning, and acknowledged the advantages both learners and professors can exploit.
MOOCs as David Simmons says are marketing initiatives. He says, “Some open courses that are being offered free of charge, for me, are primarily marketing activities.” He is not actually too wrong in his judgement. This is mostly true. An institution running some educational programme must earn some profit to continue with its curriculums.
Online Business Studies are Enormously Profitable
Price-reduced online MBAs offered by accredited and reputed universities are becoming surprisingly popular, for most-effective business techniques are drawn from a friendly and flexible course structure. Not just online MBAs, but a number of other business studies have made the career prospect much easier. They are appearing as the smooth pathways for promising global careers. There are undergraduate and postgraduate diplomas in business management which on their own guarantee for attractive career options; as well they make the further business studies much shorter and easier.
The postgraduate diploma in management is a top-up for an MBA degree, and with this diploma one can jump for his one year online MBA programme. In a time where employers greatly emphasise on on-hand experience, spending two or three years of study is of no use. With online diplomas in business management students are engaged in project-based studies which enrich their theoretical knowledge with in-industry experience, and makes their further studies easier.