Business schools are also on the lookout of such technological advancements and developments. So how is technology being integrated in an academic or vocational course?
Tech for the Taught
We are introducing young learners to the world of laptops, gadgets and other such devices. They can be useful to students in the following manner:
Nearly a third of students say they like to use their laptops for work in class and almost 40% of college aged students agree with that thought.
Only 20% of students in school use their mobile device and college students use them even less at 15%.
For use outside the classroom, both student types prefer their laptops for homework over their mobile devices.
How is technology useful to teachers?
Interactive whiteboards or Smart Boards and projectors are generally preferred and are frequently used in the classroom by teachers. It is favoured in colleges (48%) rather than in high schools (36%). This is a recent survey that was conducted to determine how popular they were and how widely accepted they were in society.
The most popular software, Microsoft Office is used the most by both educators and students. College students use the program more at 84%.
Rezzly, (formerly Gogo Labs), is a company that provides assistance to teachers in order to turn their lesson plans into quest-based games for their students. Rezzly’s cofounder, Lisa Dawley, is a former teacher, university administrator and gaming enthusiast.
Lisa, being a visionary could understand how important it was to introduce this student and teacher friendly opportunity for them to grow. Research has shown how important it is in the lives of students to learn while not assuming that the teaching learning process is a burden.
She is a genius to have understood the psychology of the young and bright minds that are going to develop new ideas for a better future.
Is this allowing students to be honest at all times? Especially before exams?
According to the students surveyed, far more (72%) say they’re more likely to be distracted by use of tech outside of the classroom than in it (46%).
Cheating isn’t such a big deal apparently either. 29% believe that cheating has moderately increased because of tech devices with only 10% saying it’s increased significantly.
So you can see how technology has changed the face of education and there is a constant trend of improvement and discovering new possibilities for aspiring youngsters.
What is your opinion about technology integrated education? Let us know by leaving a comment below.