The educational sector has been drastically revolutionised by the advent of online learning and it has completely changed the way we teach and learn. Today, e-Learning has helped teachers to offer a more engaging and enhanced educational experience. Now more students and professionals are opting for online degrees to develop essential skills and learn required knowledge. Hence, numerous institutes are now offering online programmes and courses to meet the growing demand.
15 Online Learning Statistics For 2015
As the online education scenario expands and changes rapidly, it is important that you keep track of the recent happenings and updates. Here are the top 15 online learning statistics for 2015 that will help you to get a better understanding of the E-Learning sphere-
1. In the past 5 years the number of different types of educational technologies available to educators and learners has doubled.
2. Around 42 per cent of the foremost educational organisations claim that online education has resulted in a significant rise in revenue; whereas 56 per cent claim that it helps in boosting productivity.
3. About 81 per cent of students are responsible for their personal development. Moreover 82 per cent learners prefer to study at their own convenience and pace.
4. Those companies which allow their L&D teams to arrange KPIs with top level management have 13 times higher probability of experiencing more revenue. These organisations also have 50 per cent higher chances to experience favourable changes in employee behaviour.
5. It has been observed that 91 per cent of L&D leaders believe educational technology must facilitate a faster response to shifting business environment and organisational revolution.
6. 60 per cent of companies are unable to execute an effective technology enabled training and learning strategy due to the lack of necessary skills.
7. Merely 49 per cent of businesses possess the required Instructional Design skills needed for their development. Furthermore, only 28 percent companies have L&D staffs that are capable of utilising the latest media in training and learning design. Additionally, only 31 per cent have skilled staff that can develop in-house digital content.
8. About 98 per cent of organisations are expected to utilise online learning courses to improve their learning strategy in 2015.
9. It is anticipated that almost 83 per cent of companies will use video as means for offering enhanced digital learning by 2016.
10. In 2015 around 50% per cent businesses are forecasted to implement digital games and sophisticated simulations in their e-Learning offerings.
11. At present 74 per cent of individuals utilise online learning which is expected to increase to 81 per cent by 2016.
12. By the year 2019, more than 50 per cent of all educational classes are anticipated to be delivered online.
13. Almost 42 per cent of the public sector utilises Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to accomplish their L&D goals.
14. Top learning organisations have 33 per cent higher chances of using interesting and varied media in their online education design. They are twice as more likely to inspire knowledge sharing and develop knowledge repositories
15. The global self-paced online learning market has a compound annual growth rate of 4.4 per cent. By 2018, the e-Learning is expected to be worth almost $53 billion.
The statistics mentioned above will give you a better idea about the present and future state of the online education sector.
Article Source: bit.ly/1tZEP3s